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Previous events

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There are currently no events planned.

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Expert panel

Closing Event - Assessment of Justice Reform in Albania

A Roundtable Discussion organized by KAS Albania and Albanian Policy Center,, featuring key speaker Dr. Katrin Nagler.


Documentary Premiere: Consequences of Love

Memory Days 2025

Specialist conference

International Conference "Security Challenges and Spheres of Influence in the Balkans"

KAS Albania and Albanian Policy Center


fully booked

Open talk with Lea Ypi

From Memory to Awareness - How Freedom Impacts Albania's Journey Today


The Personality Cult in the 20th Century

Key notes by Dr. Thomas Kunze at the Scientific Conference 'Art, Literature & Propaganda in Dictatorship'.


Autumn School on Soviet Stalinism and Albanian National Communism

Comparative analysis of two authoritarian ideologies


Autumn School 2024

Russia's Influence on Maintaining Balances in the European Union: Challenges of Western Balkans Integration


Conference: Shaping Tomorrow - Solar Energy and Sustainable Education

KAS Office in Albania


Diakonia Conference 2024: Strengthening Civil Society in Albania

A joint event by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and CHW, focusing on the pillars needed for the development of Albania’s civil society.


Conference: The Rule of Law in Albania.

Creating a solid foundation for a functioning justice system

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Asset Publisher

Screening of the documentary "Consequences of Love"

10th edition of the Memory Days in Albania

Opening ceremony of the Memory Days 2025

A Decade of Honoring Collective Memory

Strengthening the Regional Structures of the Democratic Party

Presentation of the Electoral Program of the Democratic Party of Albania

Presentation of Survey Findings on Albanian-Greek Relations

A survey by ACGG and KAS

The Parliamentary Forum for Central and Eastern Europe of the State of Saxony visits Albania

Meeting with the President of Albania, the Speaker of Parliament and the Leader of the Opposition

Visit to the Authority for Files in Albania

Dr. Kunze meets the Chairwoman of the Authority for Information on the Documents of the Former State Security

Evening with scholarship holders and alumni of KAS

Distribution of the Sur-Place Scholarship Certificates 2022-2024

The Conference "Students of Artificial Intelligence"

Students for Artificial Intelligence - Effects of AI Use in Education & Protection Against Cybercrimes

"Spheres of Influence and Security Challenges in the Western Balkans: The Russian Threat"

International conference on security issues in the Western Balkans region.

Autumn School 2024 in Pogradec

Russia's influence on maintaining the balance within the European Union and the challenges of Western Balkan integration.

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