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Event reports

Café Geopolitique

The first edition of the "Matinales Géopolitiques"

On 3 and 4 June 2024, the first edition of the "Matinales Géopolitiques" took place at the University of Alassane Ouattara in Bouaké, organised under the motto "Africa in the face of current conflict dynamics ". This initiative, supported by the Laboratoire d'Études Politiques et de Communication (LEPAC) in partnership with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, brought together academics, experts and participants to analyse the geopolitical and security challenges in Africa.

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The full event report is only available in German and French. To read the full report, change the language to German or French.

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Dr. Tobias Rüttershoff

Dr. Tobias Rüttershoff

Head of the Regional Program Security Policy Dialogue West Africa +225 27 22 48 1800


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