There are currently no events planned.
Specialist conference
Conference on European Competitiveness
Analysis of the Draghi report and priorities of the Multiannual Financial Framework
Expert panel
Hi-Story Telling. How do we integrate the history of local communities into that of communism?
Integrative methodologies. Methods, concepts and approaches of local history in the context of the national curriculum.
Study and information programme
Master's programme ‘Business Intelligence’ meets German security community in Berlin
Romanian students explore German trends and threats to democracy and the economy
We are participating in the Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy 2024
KAS Romania organizes workshop on the effects of communism
Die KAS auf dem Parteitag der Europäischen Volkspartei (EVP) am 6./7. März in Bukarest
Netzwerk und Austausch: Viel Besuch am am Stand der KAS.
Expert panel
Germany’s strategy on China in European context
The Romanian Dipomatic Institute and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation are jointly analyzing Germany's new China strategy and its impact on Europe
War Up Close
Russian propaganda and its consequences in Ukraine
On 20 July 2023, the Romania Country Office of the Konrad Adnenauer Foundation will open the exhibition "War up close" on the consequences of the Russian war of aggression on Ukraine in the European Capital of Culture Timișoara/Temeshwar in the Comenduirea Garnizoanei.
Study and information programme
Business Intelligence & Economic Warfare
Dialogue programme for Romanian experts and students to Germany
Democratically minded intelligence and security services that are bound by the rule of law are essential for the protection of liberal democracy. We bring Romanian students from the "Master of Business Intelligence" course to Germany for an intensive exchange program.
10 Items per Page
10 Items per Page