Asset Publisher
Just like any institution, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung relies primarily on its committed employees.
The foundation currently employees some 1,600 people; 650 of which work in Germany, mainly in our headquarters in Berlin, but also in Sankt Augustin and in our political educational forums and regional offices. More than 100 colleagues are active in our over 100 offices around the world, where we also employ in excess of 900 local employees.
If you wish to get in contact with one of our experts, you’ll find all the information you need here with a selection of the most important contact partners on our topics as well as the division heads. Don't hesitate to get in touch.
Asset Publisher
André Algermißen
Director of the Regional Program Central Asia
Dr. Ralf Altenhof
State Representative and Head of the Political Education Forum Bremen
Dr. Bernd Althusmann
Head of Canada Office
Dr. Marco Arndt
Deputy Chairman of the Work Council
Dr. Klaus Jochen Arnold
Referent Politisches Bildungsforum Brandenburg
Dr. Canan Atilgan
Head of International Office United Kingdom and Ireland
Christina Baade
Desk Officer in the Department Middle East and North Africa
Dr. Christine Bach
Referentin Zeitgeschichte
Ingo F.J. Badoreck
Policy Advisor for Economics and Francophone Sub-Saharan Africa
Miguel Ángel Barboza López
Project coordinator
Vanessa Isabell Barczyk
Michael Bauer
Head of KAS Office Lebanon
Tillmann Bauer
Referent für politische Bildung
Gabriele Baumann
Head of the Belarus Office
Dr. Ralf Thomas Baus
Referent "Die Politische Meinung"
Dr. Šimon Bačkovský
Head of Division Doctoral and Habilitation Scholarship Programme
Norbert Beckmann-Dierkes
Head of the KAS office in Bulgaria
Christina Bellmann
Transatlantic Relations
Alexander Beribes
Western Balkans / Southeastern Europe
Anja Berretta
Head of the Energy Security and Climate Change in Sub-Saharan Africa programme
Dr. Cedric Bierganns
Referent Sicherheitspolitik und Bundeswehr, Büro Bundesstadt Bonn
Florian Binder
Trainee des Regionalprogramms Politischer Dialog Südkaukasus
Thomas Birringer
Head of the Ukraine office
Teresa Blatt
Referentin Regionalbüro Rheinland, Politisches Bildungsforum NRW
Dr. Jochen Blind
Press spokesman
Ing. Hans-Hartwig Blomeier
Head of the KAS office Mexico
Malte Bock
Referent Regionalbüro Westfalen, Politisches Bildungsforum NRW
Henri Bohnet
Policy Advisor for Media / Political Parties / Digital and for Southern Africa
Dr. Michael Borchard
Leiter Wissenschaftliche Dienste / Archiv für Christlich-Demokratische Politik
Christoph Bors
Landesbeauftragter und Leiter Politisches Bildungsforum Niedersachsen
Senada Bratić
Referentin für Öffentlichkeitsarbeit im Auslandsbüro Bosnien und Herzegowina
Rabea Brauer
Head of the Brandenburg Political Education Forum and State Commissioner for Brandenburg
Daniela Braun
Head of the Philippines Office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation
Daniel Braun
Head of Office in North Macedonia and Kosovo
Michaela Braun
Desk Officer for Central America and Mexico
Philipp Bremer
Head of the Rule of Law Program Middle East and North Africa
Dr. Stefanie Brinkel
Resident Representative Côte d‘Ivoire, Director Regional Programme Political Dialogue in West Africa
Christine Brunzel
Referentin Medienanalyse und -archiv
Luis Brückner
Studentische Hilfskraft
Gerd Bugge
Philipp Burkhardt
Country Officer in the Europe / North America Department
Dr. Sandra Busch-Janser
Stellvertretende Leiterin Politische Bildung und Leiterin Politische Bildungsforen
Felix Bäuml
Advisor to the Head of Political Education Forums
Dr. Céline-Agathe Caro
Head of the KAS office in Thailand
Dr. Jan Cernicky
Head of the Economy and Innovation Department
Djamel Cherif
Business Project Coordinator
Jason Chumtong
Country Director KAS Cambodia
Dr. Hans-Jörg Clement
Deputy Head of Department | Team Leader Culture
Dr. Susanne Conrad
Policy Advisor for Law / Security and for Anglophone West Africa
Peter Crämer
Mirela Cukor
Sachbearbeiterin WD-ACDP, Zeitgeschichte
Anja Czymmeck
Head of the France Office
Alfonso De los Heros
Elke Deck
Assistentin/Sachbearbeiterin des Regionalbüros Südbaden in Freiburg
Tomislav Delinić
Head of the KAS Offices in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
Sören Demann
Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr in der Politik
Jakov Devčić
Head of the Serbia and Montenegro Office / Acting Head of the Croatia and Slovenia Office
Philipp Dienstbier
Director of the Regional Programme Gulf States
Dr. Holger Dix
Head of the Regional Programme Political Dialogue Sub-Saharan Africa, Interim Head of the Foundation Office South Africa
Cynthia Dorace Namusoke
Finance and Administration Manager – Human Rights Project
Dr. Karsten Dümmel
Deputy Department Head, Department Civic Education
Christian Echle
Head of the Department Asia and Pacific
Dr. Thomas Ehlen
Referent KommunalAkademie
Frank Ehlers
Administrative Officer (absent until October 2022)
Maja Eib
Landesbeauftragte und Leiterin Politisches Bildungsforum Thüringen
Dr. Stephan Eisel
Gisela Elsner
Global Sustainability Policy Officer and KAS Advice and Complaints Officer
Simon Engelkes
Head of the Ramallah office
Sebastian Enskat
Head of the Multilateral Dialogue Vienna
Dr Patricia Enssle
Desk Officer Cono Sur
Elke Erlecke
Regionalbeauftragte Ost Kommunalpolitik
Dr. Oliver Ernst
Democracy and Human Rights
Veronika Ertl
Head of the Regional Program Energy Security and Climate Change Middle East and North Africa
Dr. Norbert Eschborn
Designated Head KAS Croatia-Slovenia
Verena Eustermann
Finance and Project Coordinator
Martin Falbisoner
Head of Media Analysis and Archive
Magdalena Falkner
Advisor Online Communication Executive Staff
Tilmann Feltes
Country Director KAS Tanzania
Dr. Dana Fennert
Equal Rights and Diversity
Florian C. Feyerabend
Head of KAS Vietnam
Ndapunikwa Fikameni
Office Administrator
Moritz Fink
Policy Officer
Miriam Fischer
Resident Representative Malaysia
Dr. Peter Fischer-Bollin
Head of Division Analysis and Consulting
Julia Fleiner
Head of Online Communication
Roman Frahm
Advisor Online Communication Executive Staff
Viktor Frank
Head of the Mongolia office and Acting Head of the Kazakhstan office
Dr. Piotr Franz
Referent Begabtenförderung
Martin Friedek
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter / Projektkoordinator (Spanien & Portugal)
Dr. Stefan Friedrich
Head of the Department Sub-Saharan Africa
Johann C. Fuhrmann
Head of the China Office
Zarife Gagica
Advisor to the Executive Office
Dr. Malte Gaier
Leiter des Auslandsbüros Tunesien
Evelyn Gaiser
Policy Advisor for Transatlantic Relations/ NATO
Alexander Gajewski
Referent für Content-Management
Dr. Nino Galetti
Leiter des Auslandsbüros Italien
Saskia Gamradt
Political Communication
Ingrid Garwels
Desk Officer for Europe and North America in the Department International Dialogue Programs
Benjamin Gaul
Head of the Department International Reports and Communication
Ferdinand Alexander Gehringer
Homeland and cyber security
Dr. Stefanie Geiselhardt
Leiterin Bewerbung und Auswahl
Gülay Genc
Sachbearbeiterin Schriftgutarchiv
Melanie Gerster
Policy Advisor Economics and Innovation
Peter Girke
Leiter Personal Ausland
Dr. Beatrice Gorawantschy
Director KAS European Office
Dr. habil. Karsten Grabow
Policy Advisor for Asia and Pacific (Political Dialogue, Media Programme, Rule of Law Programme, Myanmar, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia)
Horst Granderath
Referent Schriftgutarchiv
Dr. Andreas Grau
Research Assistant
David Gregosz
Director KAS office Poland
Stefan Gronimus
Dr. Ludger Gruber
Director KAS office Spain/Portugal
Sebastian Grundberger
Desk Officer Andean countries
Julia Gusenfeld
Dr. Adrian Haack
Director KAS Office India
Frank Hammes
Jutta Hansmann
Michael Hansmann
Head of Document Archive
Severin Harpf
Projektkoordinator Honduras
Armin Hartlieb
Finance and Tax
Caroline Hauptmann
Leiterin des Auslandsbüros Senegal
Maximilian Hedrich
Director KAS office Brazil
Dr. Christoph von Hehl
Leiter Berufsorientierung/Berufsförderung
Ronny Dirk Heine
Landesbeauftragter und Leiter Politisches Bildungsforum Sachsen
Dr. Robert Helbig
Representative of KAS in Peru
Uta Hellweg
Leiterin Interne Kommunikation und Netzwerke
Amos Helms
Desk Officer for Asia in the Department International Dialogue Programs
Matthias Hespe
Themenreferent für Maritime Sicherheit
Annabelle Heugas
Programme Manager
Clauspeter Hill
Deputy Head of the Division European and International Cooperation
Anna-Sophie Himmelreich
Policy Advisor Innovation
Dominik Hirndorf
Electoral and Social Research
Elisabeth Hoffmann
Youth and Family
Dr. Stefan Hofmann
Landesbeauftragter und Leiter Politisches Bildungsforum Baden-Württemberg
Dr. Ulrike Hospes
State Commissioner and Head of the Political Education Forum NRW /
Head of Office Federal City of Bonn
Clemens Huemerlehner
Dr. Lars Hänsel
Head of the Department Europe and North America
Steven Höfner
Leiter Auslandsbüro Marokko
Dr. Christian Hübner
Artificial Intelligence
Johannes Hügel
Head of Office, KAS Ecuador
Olaf Jacob
Head of KAS Chile
Dr. Andreas Jacobs
Deputy Head of Analysis and Consulting and Head of Department Social Cohesion
Gregor Jaecke
Resident Representative
Magdalena Jetschgo-Morcillo
Development Policy Officer
Martina Kaiser
Internal Project Coordination
Beate Kaiser
Policy Advisor at the Westphalia Regional Office and Head of the Women’s Council
Mathias Kamp
Country Director Kenya
Caroline Kanter
Deputy Head of the Division European and International Cooperation
Jakob Kerstan
Head of the Congo Office and Project Manager of the EU co-financed project "Great Lakes Youth Network for Dialogue and Peace"
Dr. David Khunchukashvili
Consultant for the Doctoral Scholarship Programme (R02) | Managing Director of the Doctoral Programms "Sicherheit und Entwicklung im 21. Jahrhundert"
Anna Kim
Referentin Medienanalyse und -archiv
Edwina Kinderknecht
Natalie Klauser
Demographic change and integration policy
Andreas Michael Klein
Director Regional Programme Political Dialogue Asia
Dr. Angelika Klein
Head of the Evaluation Unit
Kerstin Klenovsky
Sekretärin / Sachbearbeiterin
Dr. Joachim Klose
Landesbeauftragter für die Bundeshauptstadt Berlin, Leiter des Politischen Bildungsforums Berlin und Leiter Grundlagenforum
Dr. Thomas S. Knirsch
Stv. Leiter Politische Bildung und Leiter Bildungsmanagement
Konstantin Koch
Referent im Politischen Bildungsforum
Snezana Kocijancic
Consultant for digital learning | Adenauer Campus
Aboubakar Sidik Koné
Project coordinator
Dr. Christina Catherine Krause
Head of Department International Politics and Security Affairs
Ralf Krebstakies
Wahl- und Sozialforschung
Franziska Kriwall
Sekretärin des Generalsekretärs
Matthias Krüger
Referent Medienanalyse und ‑archiv
Steffen Krüger
Head of Egypt Office
Dr. Thomas Kunze
Representative Office in Albania
Lukas Kupfernagel
Head of Ethiopia & African Union Office
Gereon Kuriewicz
Referent Politische Bildung
Dr Pencho Kuzev
Data and the Competition Policy
Pricelar Kwakye
Technical Assistant
Susanne Käss
Head of KAS Argentina
Markus Köhler M.A.
Sachbearbeiter Medienanalyse und -archiv
Ulf Laessing
Head of Regional Program Sahel
Jana Lajsic
Trainee des Auslandsbüros Argentinien
Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert
Chairman of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V. and President of the German Bundestag (retired)
Manfred Landeck
Mitarbeiter im Magazin
Dr. Michael A. Lange
Interim Director of the Rule of Law Program Middle East/North Africa
Nils Lange
Research Fellow
Marie-Sophie Lanig
Law and Policy
Carmen Leimann-López
Desk Officer Central America and Mexico
Philipp Lerch
Head of KommunalAkademie (Academy for municipal affairs)
Christine Leuchtenmüller
Head of Regional Programme Nordic Countries
Anne-Sophie Lewerentz
Leiterin Digitale Dienste
Manuel Ley
Leiter des Hermann-Ehlers-Bildungsforums Weser-Ems (01.06.2024 bis 30.11.2025 in Elternzeit)
Carsten Lilge
Quality Management Officer
Denise Lindsay M.A.
Lukas Lingenthal
Global Health, Mobility
Paul Linnarz
Representative Tokyo Office and Director Regional Program "Economic Governance in Asia" (SOPAS)
Wadim Vincent Lisovenko
Referent Medienanalyse und -archiv
Johannes Lutz
Desk Officer of the Evaluation Unit (currently absent)
Christine Löser
Referentin Medienanalyse und -archiv
David Maaß
Felise Maennig-Fortmann
Education and University Policy
Nada Mahdy
Programme Manager
Stephan Malerius
Leiter des Regionalprogramms Politischer Dialog Südkaukasus
Janis Mandić
Program Manager
Willington Amankwah Marfo
Programme Manager
David Mbae-Straßenburg
State Representative for Hamburg | Head of the Political Education Forum
David Merkle
Policy Advisor for Asia and Pacific (Beijing, Shanghai, RECAP)
Rafael Merz
Country Officer in the Middle East and North Africa Department
Bogdan Miftakhov
Policy Advisor Strategy and Planning
Paola Montenegro
Oliver Morwinsky
Head of the Baltic States Offices
Dr. Mahir Muharemović
Research Associate/Project Coordinator
Samuel Muhindo
Programme Manager – Media
Dr. Frank Müller
Stellv. Leiter der Hauptabteilung Begabtenförderung und Kultur / Leiter Studienförderung / Leiter Projekt VIBESA, Referat SF12
Michael Müller
Referent Politisches Bildungsforum Nordrhein-Westfalen
Felix Müller
European Policy
Jonathan Neu
Trainee Regional Program Party Dialogue and Democracy /Country Program Uruguay
Dr. Viola Neu
Deputy Head of Division Analysis and Consulting,
Head of Department Electoral and Social Research
Felix Neumann
Counter-extremism and counter-terrorism
Jonathan Nowak
Desk Officer for Northern Atlantic
Marcella Oloo
Program Manager
Prof. Dr. Matthias Oppermann
Stv. Leiter Wissenschaftliche Dienste / Archiv für Christlich-Demokratische Politik, Leiter Zeitgeschichte
Dr. Hardy Ostry
Head of the Washington, D.C. office
Victor Oteku
Project Coordinator
Dr. Richard Ottinger
Fundamental questions of social cohesion
Andreas Parisek
Lewe Paul
Policy Advisor for Asia and Pacific (India, Southwest Asia, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Philippines)
Tim Peter
Competitiveness of Europe
Tim B. Peters
Referent Medien und Demokratie
Laura Philipps
Policy Advisor Energy and Resources
Carsten Pickert
Sachbearbeiter Schriftgutarchiv
Dr. Melanie Piepenschneider
Department Head, Department Civic Education
Katja Christina Plate
Head of the KAS Office Romania
Dr. Sabine Pokorny
Electoral and Social Research
Thilo Ernst Pries
Referent Schriftgutarchiv
Dr. Friedrich Püttmann
Policy Advisor
Stephan Georg Raabe
Head of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Office in Sarajevo
Hartmut Rank
Head of the Rule of Law Programme in Latin America
Dr. Edmund Ratka
Director Foundation Office Jordan
Jana Reimann-Grohs
Referentin für Kommunikation und Vermarktung | Producerin
Stefan Reith
Head of EIC Domestic Programs Department
Prof. Dr. Martin Reuber
Referent Europa- und Bildungspolitik, Büro Bundesstadt Bonn
Gunter Rieck Moncayo
Economic and Trade Policy Advisor
Dr. Michael Rimmel
Head of the Israel Office
Dr. Franziska Rinke
Rule of Law and International Law
Dr. Jochen Roose
Electoral and Social Research
Marina Rosenkrantz
Dr. Philip Rosin
Referent Zeitgeschichte
Dr. Stefanie Rothenberger
Director Rule of Law Programme Sub-Saharan Africa
Dr. Gregor Ryssel
Political Parties
Patrick Rüppel
Senior Programme Manager for Foreign and Security Policy, Geopolitics
Dr. Tobias Rüttershoff
Head of the Regional Program Security Policy Dialogue West Africa
Dr. Oliver Salten
Referent Schriftgutarchiv
Stefan Samse
Director Rule of Law Programme Asia
Daniel Schaper
Desk Officer Document Archive
Dr. Stefan Johann Schatz
Head of Training Promotion Project
Marcel Schepp
Advisor for International Party Dialogue in the department Democracy, Law and Political Parties
Christian Schleicher
Head of Team Educational Institutions South
Dr. Susanna Schmidt
Head of Department
Caroline Schmidt
Refugee and Migration Officer
Dr. Christian Schmitz
International issues in civic education
Dr. Daniel Schmücking
Head of the Department of Political Communication and the Adenauer Campus
Dr. Georg Schneider
Referent Wirtschaftspolitik, Büro Bundesstadt Bonn
Dr. Mechthild Scholl
Research Assistant
Dr. Thomas Schrapel
Director of the Regional Programme Political Dialogue South Caucasus
Dr. Andreas Schulze
Research Assistant
Dr. Annette Schwandner
Annette Schwarzbauer
Leiterin des Auslandsbüros Venezuela
Matthias Schäfer
Leiter des Auslandsbüros Algerien
Jan Senkyr
Advisor Foreign and Security Policy
Bunny Sereivathna
Program Officer
Michael Sieben
Hendrik Sittig
Director Media Programme Sub-Saharan Africa
Chhayheng Soth
Programme Manager
Christian Stadler
Tax and Finances
Stefan Stahlberg
Referent Zeitgeschichte
Christiane Stahr
Referentin für Kommunikation und Vermarktung
Daniela Stech
Sekretärin / Sachbearbeiterin
Amelie Stelzner-Doğan
German Armed Forces and Civil Affairs
Bernhard Stengel
Research Assistant
Prof. Dr. Burkard Steppacher
Leiter Kooperation Altstipendiaten
Dr. Christina Stolte
Desk Officer for the Andean States, the Rule of Law Programme Latin America and the Regional Programme Political Partizipation of Indigenous People in Latin America
Nicole Stopfer
Leiterin Regionalprogramm Energiesicherheit und Klimawandel Lateinamerika
Sabine Stoye
Executive Advisor
Andreas Struck
Research Assistant
Dr. Denis Suarsana
Head of the KAS office in Indonesia/Timor-Leste
Janja Tadin
Chairwoman of the Work Council
Dr. Daniela Tandecki
Leiterin Promotionsförderung/ Habilitationsförderung
Rana Taskoparan
Referentin Kommunikation und Vermarktung
Christina Thelen
Science and Research Policy
Michael Thielen
Secretary General Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
Dr. Wolfgang Tischner
Head of Publications/Library
Likhedy Touch
Program Manager
Hudson Turinayesu
Programme Officer
Thomas Tödtling
Director KAS New York Office
Rita Anna Tüpper
Referentin Publikationen/ Bibliothek
Marine Vadelorge
wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Dr. Thomas Volk
Head of the "Middle East and North Africa" department
Loretta von Plettenberg
Policy Advisor for Western and Southern Europe (EU)
Petra Wachter
Career guidance/career development officer and managing Director Doctoral Programme Social Market Economy
Fabian Wagener
Desk Officer for Multimedia
Dr. Christine Wagner
Policy Advisor for Private Financing
Dr. Gerhard Wahlers
Deputy Secretary General and Head of the Division European and International Cooperation
Tobias Wangermann
Anna Wasserfall
Resident Representative Ghana
Winfried Weck
Head of the regional program "Alliances for Democracy and Development with Latin America" ADELA and the Panama Office
Sarah Wegener
Sebastian Weise
Digital Democracy
Sebastian Weise
Referent Politisches Bildungsforum Berlin
Florian Weitzker
Referent für Texte und Kommunikation
Marian Wendt
Head of the Greece and Cyprus Office
Bertil Wenger
Director Regional Programme Australia and the Pacific
Martina Wenk
Sekretärin und Sachbearbeiterin Politisches Bildungsforum Saarland
Dr. Olaf Wientzek
Director of the Multinational Development Policy Dialogue Brussels
Annette Wilbert
Referentin Methodik und Didaktik, Bildungsmanagement
Dr. Jan Woischnik
Head of the Department Latin America
Thomas Wolf
Leiter Regionalbüro Südbaden des Politisches Bildungsforums Baden-Württemberg
Daphne Wolter
Head of the Department Democracy, Law and Political Parties / Media
Dr. Jan Philipp Wölbern
Deputy Head of the Ukraine Office
Sabina Wölkner
Head of Department 2030 Agenda
Jakob Wöllenstein
Leiter des Auslandsbüros Belarus
Nils Wörmer
Director Regional Programme Security Dialogue for East Africa at the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS)
Asset Publisher
Contact Persons
Asset Publisher
Markus Rosenberger

Head of Human Resources Domestic